LED Lighting, switches, interior controls, Carbon Fiber Wrap

Wired in switches for all the LED lighting – 3 are used, one is a secret weapon that hasn’t been installed, yet. These switches are simple, on/off, and they are soldered on the back side, sharing a common ground.  Several of them are wired to constant power, for use at car shows, etc.


LEDs were added to the glove box, cup holder, and backseat cup holders:

I also carbon fiber wrapped my steering wheel pieces, although the bottom piece is still not perfect, and may need to be redone.

I had to disassemble the HVAC controls, pull off the knobs, wrap the piece, and then assemble.  20160125_110531 20160125_110549 20160125_110608

Used red gap trim for the controls: 20160125_151328 20151226_212404 20151227_190127 20160128_094111 20160125_154452 20160125_195853 20160127_005524


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